Login using credentials in URLJaja, I know, very baaaad thing to do, but sometimes there is no alternative. Anyway, after upgrading a client to ND7, the login using http://domain.com/database.nsf/view/key?open&username=name&password=pass suddenly stopped working. I checked and searched, but nobody seemed to know if and why this was removed. Thanks to my good friend Kurt de Feyter I found the 'advised'? workaround: http://domain.com/names.nsf?login&username=name&password=pass&redirectto=/database.nsf/view/key One downside, you cannot add url parameters in the redirect. Note: Does not work on ND8 beta2, so I doubt it will still be availlable in ND8. It gives an 'function not implemented' error.  15 April 2007  comments (6)